
Enrolment Processes


Thank you for your interest in applying to enrol at North Dandalup Primary School. Applications for enrolment can be obtained from the school office or by downloading the application from links below.


When completing an application for enrolment you will be required to provide evidence, to support your application. Please bring the following documents when lodging you application, in person, at the school office:

  1. Proof of address showing that you currently reside. (i.e. copy of gas or power bill, lease agreement of at least three months)
  2. Original birth certificate
  3. Immunisation records (from the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register)

*Please see checklist on application from for any other document that may be required. All documentation is listed on application for enrolment.


We aim to achieve a smooth as possible transition for your child, during this enrolment process so that they may commence at North Dandalup Primary School as soon as possible.


As North Dandalup Primary School does not have a local intake area, we are happy to accept enquiries and applications from other areas.



Enrolment 2023

Application for Enrolment Pack A 

Enrolment Pack Part B



North Dandalup School Bus Service
