P & C Association

North Dandalup Primary School P & C welcomes you.

Our P & C is a separate incorporated body which manages vital school services such as Uniforms and Canteen, but also provides the school with additional resources via their tireless fundraising efforts.

The P & C meets at the school on a regular basis and relies on Parent and Community volunteers. We welcome and encourage our families to participate in our P & C meetings and activities.


Our P & C General Meetings are normally   -

On: Wednesdays (dates will be announced 2 weeks prior)

Please join our friendly group and see how our meetings are run.


NOTE:  we will occasionally alter the time of our meetings between day and evening to allow for parents with varying commitments to attend.



P & C Contact Details
General P & C Enquiries: ndps.pc@gmail.com
Uniforms: uniforms_ndpspc@yahoo.com.au
Canteen: canteen_ndpspc@yahoo.com.au
Fundraising: fundraising_ndpspc@yahoo.com.au




P & C Bank Account Details
Canteen: BSB:  633 000     ACC: 206 160 558
Uniforms: BSB:  633 000     ACC: 205 469 372
Fundraising: BSB:  633 000     ACC: 205 470 974



P & C Executive
President:  Gemma Carruthers
Vice President: Karis Turner
Secretary: Emma Bennett
Treasurer: Josie Cudmore
Fundraising Coordinator: Gemma Dingle & Sharifah Farhana
School Board Representative:  Gemma Carruthers


Sylvia De Worboies, Sharifah Farhana & Erica Brandis

Uniform Coordinator: Lauren Rose

Social Engagement Coordinator:


Bec Miller

Fran Bennett