
Our strong commitment to sustainability education has resulted
in over 20 State and National awards.


Our environment program is aligned to STEAM education                                  
(science, technology, engineering, Art and Mathematics) and                                 
supports independence, problem solving, hands-on learning                               
and valuing of community. 

Our weekly environment program is complemented by a number of initiatives across the school:

  • whole school integrated curriculum for sustainability;
  • Ribbons of Blue (water testing of the North Dandalup River);
  • Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE);
  • plant nurseries – Seed collecting and propagating of our native plants;
  • chickens and a worm farm;
  • recycling in the school and through the community recycling program;
  • bird watching;
  • no dig veggie gardens;
  • composting bays; and
  • tree planting program.